Sts. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church

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Our community has been absolutely overwhelmed by the love and support expressed by some many organizations and individuals in Windsor and Essex County. many have called or emailed our parish, asking how they can help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are fighting an unprovoked and unjust war. Below, we have a number of answers to questions you may have regarding support for Ukraine.


His Beatitude, Patriarch Sviatoslav, the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church said, “Praying for peace is stronger than any weapon.” We are, first and foremost, a Church community that prays for peace in the whole world but during this time of war, especially for peace in Ukraine. As the war rages on, we hope to have a weekly prayer service for peace in Ukraine.

Financial Support for Humanitarian Aid

Many have asked whether we are collecting clothing, medical supplies, and other essential items. We have heard from numerous organizations who are working with their partners in Ukraine, Poland, and other countries that have accepted refugees that they can much more easily purchase all necessary items in their own countries or have them delivered from elsewhere in Western Europe. There is also a challenge in shipping many of these items as shipping is backed up and very costly. Having said that, there are many organizations that one can donate to here in Canada that are working in Ukraine and will make proper use of any and all donations. This is in no way an exhaustive list but should you like to donate towards humanitarian aid in Ukraine, please consider one or more of the following:

Catholic Organizations

Aid to the Church in Need – 85% goes to areas of greatest need, 15% for administrative purposes.
Chalice – Approximately 90% goes to areas of greatest need, 10% used for administrative and other purposes.
CNEWA (Catholic Near East Welfare Association) – 95% goes to areas of greatest need, 5% for administrative purposes.
Knights of Columbus – 100% goes to areas of greatest need.

Ukrainian and/or Other Community Organizations

Canada-Ukraine Foundation – 95% goes to areas of greatest need, 5% for administrative purposes.
Help us Help – 100% goes to areas of greatest need (this is made possible due to the 10 million Temerty Endowment Fund which funds local administrative fees).
Ukrainian World Congress, United with Ukraine Fund – 100% goes to areas of greatest need but NO TAX RECEIPT.


The Ukrainian Canadian Congress ( has created an online form to collect information from those interested in helping provide assistance to Ukraine in a variety of areas, including assistance to refugees. This form will enable the UCC to create a national database which will assist them in their national strategy to help Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The form can be accessed by clicking HERE

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