Sts. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church

Office hours:
For office hours see the


Which of these, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?”   He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

 (Luke 10:36-37)

Parish and Community Outreach

Following the instructions of Our Lord and the teachings of the Church, our parish community assists a number of organizations in the local community, which are listed below,  who are dedicated to relieving the pain, anxiety and suffering felt by so many in our contemporary society. Though we live in land of great riches, the needs of the suffering are still evident around us. Our parishioners and friends are encouraged to live out the evangelical mandate of helping those in need through their gifts, donations, and financial contributions. Please be a part of this mission of mercy and compassion

Our Partners


Windsor Essex Supporting Ukrainian Newcomers

WESUN is an information hub for all essential information for arrival, settling and living in Windsor-Essex County

Windsor Essex Children’s Aid Society

The Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society is an organization dedicated to the well-being and safety of every child by advocating for, and partnering with, our children, families and communities.

Welcome Centre.

Shelter for Women and Families

The Welcome Centre. Shelter for Women and Families is an emergency shelter for women and families experiencing homelessness and related challenges.

VON Immigrant Health Clinic

The VON Immigrant Health Clinic provides both coordination and access to primary care services throughout Windsor Essex to immigrants and refugees

Annual Golf Tournament

Our Parish Golf Tournament is our biggest annual fundraiser in support of our Parish Building Fund and with a partnered community organization.

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