Sts. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church

Our clergy

Fr. Peter Hrytsyk

Fr. Peter was born in Oldham, England in 1955, and with his parents emigrated to Canada in 1959. He attended St. Charles Borromeo Elementary School and Assumption College School. His family attended Sts. Vladimir & Olga Church where he was a student in the Ridna Shkola, and was active in the Parish Youth Choir, under the direction of Sr. Metrodore. He was a member of the Parish Choir and began learning cantoring under the tutelage of Walter Litynsky and then Sister Metrodore. He attended the University of Windsor where he took a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree in Religious Studies. He attended the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto where he took a Master of Divinity degree in 1982.



Fr. Basil Dzurman


Fr. Julian Habrusevich


Fr. Eugene Halitsky

Fr. Tom Hrywna



Fr. Peter Servetnyk


Fr. Wasyl Osadec


Fr. Wasyl Humeniuk

Fr. Michael Horoshko



Fr. Ambrose Redkevych


Fr. Mykhailo Ircha


Fr. Ivan Holowka

Fr. Joseph Bala C.S.s.R



Fr. Ivan Koltsun


Fr. Mykola Shumsky

Fr. Joseph Bala C.S.s.R


Fr. Mykhailo Olenchuk



Fr. Lev Sembratovych



Fr. Ivan Koltsun


Fr. Roman Krupa

Associate Pastors


Fr. George Karpinskyj


Fr. Edward Yarema

Fr. Martin Balagus


Fr. Michael Zajac



Fr. Paul Dzulinsky


Fr.George Bodnar

Fr. Walter Werbitsky


Fr. Stepan Smyk


Fr. Ivan Laptuta

Fr. Julian Nebesny

Fr. Wasyl Charny

Fr. Mykola Komar


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