Sts. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church

Sacramental mysteries

The Holy Mysteries of the Church are physical signs that confer and reveal an invisible reality. It is through the Holy Mysteries that one participates in the life of Christ. Here is what the Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church says about the Holy (Sacramental) Mysteries:

“The saving and sanctifying action of the church is accomplished in seven Holy Mysteries…through these sacred actions of the Church, Christ grants the grace of the Holy Spirit. Through these Mysteries the Church sanctifies the faithful on their journey to the fullness of life in Christ. Through visible signs (e.g., water, chrism, bread and wine, the laying on of hands) Christ builds up his Church in the Holy Mysteries. In the liturgical actions of the Mysteries it is God’s grace that acts, and believers enter into God’s life. By participating in the visible form of a Mystery, that is, through the liturgical action, we become partakers of God’s salvific action of grace. “The unbeliever, hearing of a laver, counts it merely as water: but I behold not simply the thing which is seen, but the purification of the soul which is by the Spirit. (St. John Chrysostom)” The external form of the rite and its material expressions are vital as they signify our deification and manifest the first fruits of transfigured nature.” (405)

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