Sts. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church


General donation form

support our cause with your donation

Securities and Mutual funds

the most efficient way to give charitably.

Financial support

Thank you for your continual support of our parish. You generosity ensures that we can continue the mission of Jesus Christ to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
Our parish relies on the generosity of its parishioners and benefactors. There are numerous ways in which you can support our parish financially.


Register as a parishioner and receive a box of donation envelopes for Sundays, Feast Days, and Special Collections. These envelopes can be put into the Sunday collection basket or sent by mail to

601 Lake Trail Drive, Windsor, ON N9G 2M3

Electronic Funds Transfer:

Sign-up for automatic withdrawal donations using THIS FORM. Fill it out and drop it off/send it to the parish. You can always adjust the frequency and amount of your donation

Interac e-Transfer:

Donations can be made via email money transfers. Log into your online bank and make the recipient of the e-transfer.


Donate online right now via CANADA HELPS. Please note that you will receive an emailed income tax receipt from Canada Helps for any donation you make through their website. These donations will not be reflected on your year-end income tax receipt from the parish.

Planned donations

Planned giving is a charitable contribution such as a bequest or an annuity that allows you to make a gift to Sts. Vladimir & Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church in the future without substantially affecting your income today. The easiest planned gift is a simple bequest that Sts. Vladimir & Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church is a beneficiary in your will or living trust.
A bequest can be changed or revoked at any time, but when realized it can help sustain a legacy of dreams for future generations of dream recipients. A bequest can be a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the residue of your estate. The amount you designate will pass to Sts. Vladimir & Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church free of estate tax.

A planned giving contribution is a profound statement of your generosity and care for the most vulnerable members of our communities. It is a gift you and your family can be proud of.
Planned giving plays a significant role in securing long term financial viability beyond the lifetime of its founders and current supporters of Sts. Vladimir & Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church.
There are a number of tax-advantaged planned giving techniques you might consider, including:

  • Leaving a bequest in your will or living trust
  • Life income gifts that pay designated beneficiaries an income for life, such as charitable reminder trusts
  • Real estate gifts, including life estates
  • Stock gifts

For more information on how your gift can make a difference for future dream recipients beyond your lifetime, please email us at

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